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The Community at Lowell Makes is our greatest asset and every one of our members is an integral part of that community. As an entirely volunteer-run organization, we rely on our amazing and stellar members to wear many hats to keep the wheels on this crazy endeavor. Many of our people hold specific Roles here at Lowell Makes. These roles include the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Board Member, Committee Chair, Captain and many more! Check out our amazing Community below!
Learn About Our Volunteer Leadership Structure
All roles at Lowell Makes are held by volunteers and members of Lowell Makes.
Committee Chair
Community Volunteer
Open House Host
Lowell Makes has a TON going on all the time! Many of our events happen regularly and they are a great way to meet your fellow Makers and get involved in the Community. To check on the dates of any of these events, check the Lowell Makes Calendar. The events posted here may happen on an irregular schedule but are usually planned every month or every few weeks.
For classes and workshops tied to a specific shop (like the Woodshop), check the Calendar above, go to the Shop Page, or reach out on Basecamp.
A community movie night for Lowell Makes Members and guests. Hosted by MemCom. To learn more click here
The Monthly Members' Meeting is a chance for members new and old alike to get together and get caught up on everything going on around the space. Come learn about ongoing projects, completed work, new tools, and upcoming events. It's also a chance to hear about new volunteer opportunities and to have your opinions and thoughts heard.
The meetings are hosted by either the President or a member of the Executive Committee so it's a great way to speak directly to the leadership. They happen on the first Tuesday of each month and are hosted in the Lowell Makes Lounge. They are also available remotely. The video link is posted on the event in Basecamp and on the Calendar event.
The State of the Makerspace is our annual extra big, extra fancy Members’ Meeting. It happens in the first quarter of each year, whenever our books get closed out from the prior year, and takes the place of February or March’s Member Meeting.
These events are a chance for everyone to learn what the previous year at Lowell Makes looked like and what’s coming up in the next year! We get a financial report as well as reports from each of the Committees to give them a chance to brag about everything they accomplished. We may even have food and drinks to make it a little more fun!