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What are the Lowell Makes Committees?
Lowell Makes has a committee structure that helps to make sure everything that needs to happen to keep the doors open can occur in a timely and well organized manner. The Committees are made up of volunteer members of Lowell Makes and consist of one person who serves as Chairperson and a selection of other voting and advisory members who make up the rest of the committee. Each Committee has a set of responsibilities and it is their job to make sure those tasks are completed.
ExCom is the highest level of leadership at Lowell Makes under the Board of Directors. It is made up of Lowell Makesβ Officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and the Chairs of the Committees. It is responsible for large-scale planning, day to day operations, and the organization of Lowell Makes and the other Committees
π©βπ©βπ§βπ¦Learn More about MemCom
MemCom is responsible for the Open House and the New Member Experience. Basically, MemCom is there to ease the transition from potential member to new member, and from new member to community member. We host community events and answer questions and offer resources for new and existing members.
EdCom is responsible for all classes and events at LM. They not only help to plan educational opportunities, but also schedule the physical locations for those classes to take place. They wrangle instructors, payments, signups, materials and everything involved with running classes at LM.
Operations keeps LM running in a very real way. They handle all the maintenance on the building and equipment and make sure that things are safe and functional. They are broken up into two branches: Main Operations and IT.
The Space Committee handles physical space at LM. They determine the arrangement of the physical spaces to make them as functional as possible. They also handle the renting of all rentable spaces. Lockers, shelves, desks, offices and SLAs are all run through Space Com.
Learn more about Marketing Committee
MktgComm is responsible for all things external communication. From our website to Facebook and Instagram, or the newsletter, and even business cards, posters, brochures, pamphlets plus so much more! If you found out about LM before visiting us, you likely have Marketing to thank for that!
FinCom keeps the LM budget. They handle all the money in and out of LM. Budgets, insurance, payments, loan repayment, accounts payable and receivable are all the domain of FinCom. This Committee is chaired by the Treasurer.
Below is a document outlining the proper process for setting up a new Committee Member or Chairperson.
Note: This document is restricted to those who have ExCom Access.