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The Shop Admiral is a position intended to be a lane of communication between the Shop Captains and the Executive Committee. To further this goal the Shop Admiral is also a voting member of the Executive Committee. Ideally this person would be well acquainted with the shop's rules and policies as well as the Captains, Co-Captains, and Assistants.
Shop personnel should be able to go to the Shop Admiral for assistance with anything related to running their shop, in turn the Admiral should be able to assist them outright or connect them with the right person or Committee. Any issues the Shops have that require intervention or a decision by the Executive Committee should go through the Admiral to be presented at a monthly meeting.
The full job description for the position of Shop Admiral is linked in the document below. This description may change as Lowell Makes grows. If you are curious about the position, you can reach out to ExCom or the current Shop Admiral to learn more.
If you are unable to access this document but would like to learn more, please reach out to ExCom or the Shop Admiral.