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The role of the Vice President hasn’t been officially defined by the Board or ExCom. However, it is an ExCom role, meaning that anyone who holds this position will serve on ExCom. The remainder of their duties and responsibilities are to be agreed upon by the Titled VP, the President, ExCom and the Board if need be.
The purpose of the role of Vice President, as it was designed, is two-fold:
- Lowell Makes has a President with a 3-year term. At the expiration of that term (or earlier if circumstances dictate) another person may step into the office. It is therefore in the interest of Lowell Makes to prepare a suitable successor to fulfil the duties of the office, and to become familiar with LM management processes and executive authority. A Vice President will be expected to learn from the sitting President, in an effort to minimize the disruption of any future transition to the operation of Lowell Makes.
- The President has a range of responsibilities and duties, many of which may only be performed by the President. However, there are some tasks that need not be executed by the President, but will benefit from the presence of a corporate officer. By delegating authority, the President may empower a Vice President to perform these tasks.