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What is Marketing?

As the continued growth and development of Lowell Makes is dependent upon its ability to reach new audiences and entice them to join the ranks of our members, the Executive Committee shall delegate the task of increasing our visibility to the greater Lowell community, and to promote the various valuable and interesting projects Lowell Makes members produce, to the Marketing Committee.

Marketing Committee Charter and Responsibilities

Click here for the Marketing Charter

Lowell Makes Marketing Committee Charter


As the continued growth and development of Lowell Makes is dependent upon its ability to reach new audiences and entice them to join the ranks of our members, the Executive Committee shall delegate the task of increasing our visibility to the greater Lowell community, and to promote the various valuable and interesting projects Lowell Makes members produce, to the Marketing Committee.


  1. The Marketing Committee is a standing committee comprising:
    1. at least three but no more than seven LM members.
    2. a chairperson who will communicate with LM ExCom and membership and will manage the committee with appropriate discretion.
      1. The chairperson will be approved the LM ExCom but selected by Marketing Committee members.
      2. The chairperson will serve for a term of one year, and may be serve up to three consecutive terms.
    3. a vice-chairperson, who will preside over committee meetings in the absence of the chairperson.
    4. no more than two LM board members, in an Ex-Officio, non-voting capacity.


  1. The committee can only be overruled by a majority vote of the LM ExCom or LM BOD.
  2. The Chairperson of the committee will report at least twice annually to the LM ExCom.
  3. The committee must receive approval from LM ExCom for any changes to LM that will involve permitting, inspection, tradeswork, or construction.
  4. The Marketing Committee shall have authority to define and control the Lowell Makes marketing and brand as follows:
    1. Marketing
      1. The committee will work to collect data and provide recommendations to ExCom on
    2. Branding
      1. Signage
      2. Logo
      3. Colors
    3. Community Outreach
      1. Contact with local press
      2. Newsletter
    4. Digital Presence
      1. Social Media
      2. Website Content


  1. The committee shall meet at least six times annually.
  2. The committee shall record minutes of their meetings and submit them to ExCom within one month of each meeting.
