<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c213f77e-76ae-4037-b587-0d97f573844e/download_(11).jpg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/c213f77e-76ae-4037-b587-0d97f573844e/download_(11).jpg" width="40px" /> **Home |** πŸ”§ **Shops |** πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ **Committees |** 🐝**Community |** 🌐**Resources |** πŸ’‘LowellMakes.com

<aside> πŸ’‘ Checkout Requirements: This shop requires a checkout before it can be used. Click here for more information.



<aside> πŸ’‘ Checkout Requirements: The Woodshop requires a checkout before it can be used. Click here for more information.


The LM Woodshop is a 3,000 sq ft space featuring a lathe room, bench room, finishing room and a power equipment room. A fully equipped woodshop serves the project needs from the beginner to the professional woodworker and all experience levels are welcome to join the shop. Half our members come in with no woodworking skills but plenty of ideas, so whether you are an experienced professional, an eager newbie, or anywhere in between, you’ll fit right in!

We offer two levels of checkout, one for those who just want access to the shop and its hand tools, sanders, and drill press, and a second check out level for those who want full access to our equipment. For more information on how to get checked out, skip to the Checkouts section. The shop also offers paid educational workshops to train members to safely operate the power equipment.


Woodshop Team


What’s in the woodshop?

The woodshop has a huge number of tools ranging from professional heavy equipment to simple hand tools and everything in between! Check out the lists below to see what we have available.



In 2020, Rikon Tools, one of our corporate sponsors, donated several new power tools to the Lowell Makes Woodshop. These tools included: a 25” wide planer, two bandsaws, two drill presses, an edge sander, disc and belt sanders, blade sharpening equipment and dust collection for all of it! In the lathe room, Rikon Tools also donated 2 full size lathes and 4 mid-sized benchtop lathes. All the Rikon Tools are listed below.


Large Equipment

We’ve got a ton of power tools in the woodshop. Check out all the equipment we have available to our members!


Finish Room

The woodshop features an entire room dedicated to finish work. This dust free environment has filtration, fans, and dedicated work tables and saw horses.

Finishing tables and drying projects

Finishing tables and drying projects

Heaters, vents, and shelves of finish and stain

Heaters, vents, and shelves of finish and stain