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<aside> 💡 Checkout Requirements: This shop requires a checkout before it can be used. Click here for more information.


Here in our Media Production Studio, we provide equipment and digital services to produce media content. The resources we offer for content production consist of video editing, photography, audio recording and so much more. We ensure that developing your visual-audio products gets effectively communicated to the public through the internet or on paper. This includes our newly remodeled studio space. Come and produce your own media projects, share your skills, or learn a new one!


The Media Studio is the perfect place for all your photography, video, recording, and printing needs. Get some practice with a digital camera. Film your process or photograph your projects. Print posters or other promotional materials. If you’ve got a business, the Media Studio is the resource you’ve been missing!

Shop Team

Presenting your Media Studio Shop Captains!

What’s in the shop?

Here’s a few of the items we have available for members to use: