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<aside> 💡 Checkout Requirements: This shop requires a checkout before it can be used. Click here for more information.



<aside> 💡

Checkout Requirements: This shop requires a checkout before it can be used. Click here for more information.


In the Lowell Makes Bike Shop you can maintain your bike as the season goes, make repairs, and even replace major parts. Once you are checked out, you’ll be allowed to use the tools and access all of the shop’s spare parts. So long as you don’t leave your bike in the shop overnight, you are free to drop in anytime.


In addition to our physical resources, we have a growing community of makers who you can ask questions to and chat with. Most of us are on Basecamp. You can sign up on the Lowell Makes Town Square Basecamp link, or click here to join the Bike Shop Basecamp.


Tools, which are blue, do not leave the Makerspace unless you get permission from the Captains first. All spare parts and bike accessories are yours to use and keep!

Donations of parts and supplies are greatly appreciated. Important: Please contact the Captains BEFORE donating, so we can make sure that it’s something that meets the needs of our shop.

Shop Team


What’s in the Shop?

The bike shop is filled with all sorts of useful bike maintenance equipment. Whether you’re tuning up an old bike, or building one from scratch, we’ll have what you need to tackle the project.



In addition to hand tools and spare parts, we also have a couple of super handy specialty bike tools listed below.



Using this shop requires a Checkout performed by a Captain or a dedicated member. Click the link below to learn more about the Bike Shop Checkout Procedure.

Bike Shop Checkout