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Basecamp is our message board and online community. It is integral to finding success and becoming a part of the Lowell Makes Community.

To join our Basecamp, you must be invited by a member of our Community. This can be done during your Orientation, or you can request an invite by email us at [email protected]

What is Basecamp used for?

Basecamp is the main way our community communicates outside of in-person meetings. Our members use it every day for all of the following:

How to I invite someone to Basecamp?

Anyone can invite a new member to our Basecamp. To do so, just follow these instructions.

How to Invite People to Basecamp!

<aside> πŸ’‘ Every new Basecamp member MUST be invited to the Town Square. Make sure to add new people to the Town Square during the Invite process.


How is Basecamp organized?

Basecamp is broken up into Teams. Each of these is a Community within the larger Community of Lowell Makes. They each have their own version of items listed below. For example, the Ceramics Team will have a different Message Board than the Cosplay Team.

How do I use Basecamp?

Basecamp is broken up into individual Teams or Projects. Each of these is a Community within the larger Community of Lowell Makes. Each Shop, Committee, or Area of Interest at Lowell Makes has a Team of its own. You can join as many or as few as you want.

For example, here are a few of the Teams we have set up:

Lowell Makes Town Square

Every member should join the Lowell Makes Town Square. This is like the front page of our Basecamp. It’s the one place where every member will see the posts and can participate in the conversation. If you join nothing else, you MUST be a part of the Town Square.


For people interested in woodworking or with woodworking questions.